Sunday, December 4, 2022

Passive income ideas - 4 Completely income ideas


4 Completely passive income ideas

Hello Medium readers, if you clicked on this article it means that you are interested in earning without having to do anything. You’ve come to the right place for that !

But just to be clear, those 4 ideas won’t make you rich, but it’s still some extra bucks without having to do anything.

The numbers presented in this article are based on my own earnings, you might get a bigger/smaller amount depending on some parameters.

1) Earnapp

Earnapp is an app that allows you to rent your unused bandwidth, once installed, it will run (securely) scripts using your internet connection. And you get paid for that.

Depending on your localisation and your internet connection, you will earn between 3 to 15$ a month, and again, without changing anything on your routine.

Earnapp works best when you use it on a device that is powered on 24/7, so the best thing for that is to use a raspberry pi (It even works on a raspberry pi 0!).

You can also install it on 2 or 3 devices to gain more (like your phone or your computer).

If you want to try, feel free to use my referral link:

Also, check the vpn version of Earnapp :

It won’t change anything for you, but It will allow me to gain 10% of your profit (you’re not losing anything, those 10% are created in addition to your own earnings).

2) Honeygain

Honeygain is basically the same thing as Earnapp, the main differences being that you cannot run Honeygain from a raspberry pi (well, technically you can but the installation is a nightmare), and that you can be paid with there own cryptocurrency -the JMPT- and get a 50% bonus on your income.

There is also a honeypot everyday, by opening the app you get a chance to win up to 1$ with just one click (and anyway you earn a minimum of 1 cent, so it’s a good thing to open the app once a day).

Honeygain will allow you to gain between 3$ to 20$/month depending on your localisation, your internet connection, and if you use JumpTask or not.

If you want to try Honeygain, feel free to use my referral link:

It will give you a 5$ starting bonus, and like Earnapp it will allow me to gain 10% of your incomes (again, you are not losing anything).

3) Brave browser

If you are like me, you are using your browser all day long, whether it’s on your phone or on your computer. You can use it to gain money, by using the Brave browser.

Brave will reward you by showing you ads from time to time (you can adapt the parameter as you want, to get from 0 to 10 ads/hour).

It is based on the chromium kernel, so you won’t feel lost by using it.

I’ve been using it for a month now and I clearly don’t see any differences with my old browser.

Currently, I made 1$ in a month using Brave on my personal computer and on my phone.

4) Presearch

Presearch is a decentralized search engine that allows you to earn money while browsing the web.

There is two way to earn via Presearch:

-Just browse the web as you already do with google

-Run a node

The first option won’t change anything for you, and combine really well with Brave browser. The second one is more technical, and needs you to understand the project (as you will, in fact, be part of it).

I will not go through many details in this article, but here is the link to Presearch if you want to know more:

I just started using it, so I don’t have numbers to share, but my advice on this is to use it through the Brave browser in order to maximize earnings.

I’m currently experiencing running Ubuntu VMs on old phones, in order to be able to run Earnapp and Honeygain without having to use a raspberry pi or on an old computer. I’ll keep you posted on that matter, I think it can be interesting.

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