Friday, March 24, 2023

What is Angola black fruit? | Angola Black Fruit Availability in Tamilnadu | Angola Black Fruit Varieties

What is Angola black fruit? | Angola Black Fruit Availability in Tamilnadu | Angola Black Fruit Varieties

Angola black Fruit

What is Angola black fruit?

Angola Black Fruit is actually a tropical fruit known for its sweet taste, high nutritional value, and medicinal properties. The fruit comes from the same family as mangos but has a different shape. There is no scientific proof as to what exactly makes the fruit special. However, many people believe that it is due to the fact that it contains a higher amount of fibre than any other type of fruit. It also contains the highest amounts of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C, both necessary ingredients for good health.

The fruit is rich in vitamin A, iron, zinc and manganese. While the fruit may not always be around, it is possible to make a delicious juice from these berries. To do this first wash them thoroughly and then cut off the top and bottom of each berry and remove the seeds. Next, squeeze out the pulp. You should use fresh squeezed juice rather than canned or bottled as it retains the full flavour of the fruit. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar per cup of juice depending on how start your fruit is.

Angola Black Fruit Varieties

  1.  Angola Black - The Angolan variety of Black Seed is native to Angola and has been cultivated for over 4,000 years. Its name comes from its dark colour and rich aroma. It's a good, versatile seed. It has high yields, resistance to disease and insects, short flowering time, and early harvest.

  2. African Blueberry/Black Cherry - A cross between Black Currants and American Wild Plums. African Blueberries have a sweet taste with hints of tartness. They're a great addition to any fruit cocktail recipe. They're low-growing and compact. In fact, they're often mistaken for blueberries!

  3. Black Mulberry - A heavy yielder, mulberry trees are grown for their fruits. Black Mulberries are small, sweet, juicy berries ideal for jams, jellies and pies.

  4.  Black Peach - The Black peach is a popular tree in southern states due to its beautiful blossoms and delicious fruit. These peaches have a delicious flavour, and are full of vitamin C and antioxidants.

  5. Black Raspberry - Black raspberries are sweeter than red ones. They're smaller and more delicate, and tend to ripen later in the season. They also hold their shape well once picked.

  6. Black Plum - Black plums were introduced to North America from Europe in the 1800s. Black plums are known for being extremely tasty, yet hardy to cold weather. Their flesh has a smooth texture, with no seeds inside. You can eat them raw, use them in sauces or juice recipes, or even make jelly out of them!

  7. Black Walnut - Black walnuts are actually nuts, and not a fruit at all. They are considered a delicacy in China, Japan, India, and Africa. When fully ripe, they fall off their branches like a raindrop.

  8. Black Yaupon - Black yaupon was originally brought to North America by the indigenous people of the southeast coast. It's said to improve memory, reduce blood pressure, strengthen bones, and help build muscle. Other names for the Black yaupon include hopwood, sassafras, and wild ginger.

  9. Black Zinfandel - Black zinfandels are a hybrid grape created in California's Central Valley region. They've got a deep purple skin and a bright, fruity flavour. The wine industry uses them for making port-style wines.

  10. Bitter Chocolate Berry - A cross between Black currant and chocolate berry.

  11. Blood Orange - An orange with deep red colouring. Its name comes from blood red juice that flows forth when you cut open a blood orange. There are many varieties of blood oranges. Varieties include Meyer, Seville, Cara Cara, Tarocco and Pomerol.

  12. Blueberry - Blueberries are a type of berry that grows in temperate regions. Blueberries have a long history of cultivation, dating back over 5,000 years. They have a tart taste and smell similar to cranberries.

  13. Brazil Nuts - Brazil nuts are nuts that grow in South America. They're native to the Amazon River basin. They're harvested by hand using hammers and knives. The nuts require special handling since they can crack if dropped.

  14. Catawba Cherries - Catawba cherries are a favourite cherry of those who enjoy sour flavours. They're believed to originate from North Carolina, where they're called 'Prunus serotina'.

Angola Black Fruit Availability in Tamilnadu

The Angolan Black fruits have recently gained popularity across Tamilnadu due to their high nutritional content, antioxidant properties, low cholesterol and high fibre content.

It is a rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, Vitamin A, iron, zinc, copper, fibre and antioxidants. These fruits also help in enhancing immunity.

The abundance of rainfall and irrigation makes the Angolan Black Fruits popular in Tamilnadu.

1. Origin of Angola Black Fruit

In Africa, Angola Black fruits originated from tropical forests in central Africa. However, they are now cultivated worldwide.

There are four types of Black Fruits - Angico, Anacardio, Sapecai and Almond.

A study conducted in Portugal showed that Anacardio was associated with higher levels of polyphenols and anthocyanins, while almonds had the highest amount of vitamin E.

2. Agriculture & Pest Control Practices

Black fruits are planted along roadsides, at bus stops, railway stations, airports etc. In Tamil Nadu, planting them is prohibited in urban areas.

Fruit trees need full sun and water. Watering should be done twice a day and a mulch layer spread around the tree base helps retain moisture.

Pests may attack the fruit, causing damage to the flowers.

3. Production Status

Tamilnadu produces about 10 lakh tonnes annually.


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