Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Ganesh Chaturti 2023 - Vinayaka chaturthi 2023 - Ganesh Puja this Year

Ganesh Chaturti 2023 - Vinayaka chaturthi 2023 - Ganesh Puja this Year September 18

Ganesh Chaturti

கணேச சதுர்த்தி 2022  - விநாயக சதுர்த்தி தேதி - 2023 ஆகஸ்ட் 31 இல் - கணபதி உற்சவம் எப்போது?

விநாயக சதுர்த்தி செப்டம்பர் 18, 2023 (திங்கட்கிழமை) அன்று . பாத்ரபத (ஆவணி) மாதத்தின் பிரகாசமான பதினைந்து நாட்களில் (சுக்ல பக்ஷ) நான்காவது நாளில் விநாயக சதுர்த்தி கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. 

விநாயகப் பெருமான் சிவன் மற்றும் பார்வதி தேவியின் மகன். விநாயகப் பெருமான் சிவபெருமானின் அனைத்துக் கணங்களுக்கும் தலைவர். எந்தவொரு முயற்சியின் தொடக்கத்திலும் தடைகளைத் தவிர்க்க விநாயகப் பெருமானை வழிபடுகிறார்கள். 

மகாராஷ்டிராவில் கொண்டாட்டம்: 

மகாராஷ்டிராவில், குறிப்பாக மும்பையில், கணேஷ் உத்சவ் பத்ரபத் சுக்ல சதுர்த்தி (செப்டம்பர் 18, 2023) முதல் அனந்த் சதுர்தசி (செப்டம்பர் 28, 2023 - வியாழன்) வரை 10 நாட்களுக்கு கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. 

பல்வேறு கருப்பொருள்களுடன் நகரத்தைச் சுற்றி பல கணேஷ் மண்டலங்கள் இருக்கும். லால்பாக்சா ராஜா, கெத்வாடி கன்ராஜ், ஜிஎஸ்பி சேவா கிங்ஸ் சர்க்கிள், அந்தேரிச்சா ராஜா, கணேஷ் கல்லி மும்பைச்சா ராஜா போன்றவை லட்சக்கணக்கான பக்தர்களை ஈர்க்கும் பிரபலமான கணேஷ் மண்டலங்களில் சில. 

வீட்டில் களிமண்ணால் செய்யப்பட்ட விநாயகர் சிலைகளுக்கு பக்தர்கள் பூஜை செய்வார்கள். பத்து நாட்கள் பூஜைக்குப் பிறகு, கணேஷ் விசர்ஜன் (சிலையை மூழ்கடித்தல் - நிமஜ்ஜன்) அனந்த் சதுர்தசி அன்று நடைபெறுகிறது.  


கோவில்களில் மகா கணபதி ஹோமம், சஹஸ்ர மோதக ஹோமம், சிந்தாமணி மகாகணபதி அகண்ட மகாயாகம், லட்சார்ச்சனை போன்ற சிறப்பு ஹோமம் (ஹவனம்) நடைபெறும். 

வேதமந்திரங்களுக்கு மத்தியில் விநாயகப் பெருமானுக்கு மகா அபிஷேகம் நடைபெறும். மோதக் எனப்படும் சிறப்பு பிரசாதம் கடவுளுக்கு வழங்கப்படும். 

விநாயகப் பெருமானுக்கு மகாதீபாராதனை (ஆரத்தி) செய்யப்படும். மூஷிக வாகனத்தில் உற்சவ மூர்த்தி பக்தர்களுக்கு அருள்பாலிக்கிறார் 

ஸ்ரீ விநாயகருக்கு ஒவ்வொரு மாதமும் சுக்ல பக்ஷ சதுர்த்தி & கிருஷ்ண பக்ஷ (சங்கஷ்டி அல்லது சங்கட ஹர) சதுர்த்தி திதியில் சிறப்பு பூஜைகள் நடைபெறுகின்றன.

அடுத்த ஆண்டு விநாயக சதுர்த்தி: 

2024ல், விநாயக சதுர்த்தி செப்டம்பர் 7, 2024 அன்று (சனிக்கிழமை) 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Tamilnadu Text Books - TN Text book Download


A Comprehensive Guide to Tamilnadu Text Books and How to Get the Best out of Them

Tamilnadu textbooks are an invaluable resource for students and teachers alike. They provide a comprehensive overview of the subject matter, as well as detailed information about the topics and concepts. With the help of these textbooks, students can gain a better understanding of the material and learn more effectively. Moreover, teachers can use them to develop lesson plans that are tailored to their student's needs. This guide provides an overview of Tamilnadu textbooks and how to get the most out of them. It also covers topics such as how to find good quality textbooks, how to use them in class, and tips for making sure you get the best out of your reading material.

Introduction: What are Tamilnadu Text Books and Why are They So Important?

Tamilnadu Text Books are an important part of the educational system in the Indian state of Tamilnadu. These textbooks provide students with a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the topics they need to learn, from history to science and math. They also provide guidance on how to apply the knowledge acquired in real-world scenarios. The books are written by experts in each field, making sure that students get up-to-date information and facts. In addition, these textbooks also provide valuable insights into the culture and heritage of Tamilnadu. As such, they can be used as a great resource for learning about this fascinating region of India.

keywords: tamilnadu text books, TN textbooks, school curriculum tamil nadu, TN state board books)

The Benefits of Using Tamil Nadu Text Books for Learning & Exam Preparation

Tamil Nadu textbooks are an excellent resource for learning and exam preparation. They provide comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, as well as a variety of exercises and activities to help students master the material. The books also contain detailed explanations and diagrams to aid in understanding complex concepts. Furthermore, using Tamil Nadu textbooks can provide students with an advantage when preparing for exams due to their comprehensive coverage of the syllabus. Additionally, they can be used as a reference guide during revision and exam preparation since they contain all the important topics that need to be studied. With these benefits, Tamil Nadu textbooks are an invaluable resource for any student looking to excel in their studies.

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Where to Find the Best Tamil Nadu Textbooks?

Tamil Nadu textbooks are essential for students who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of the culture and history of the region. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to find the best textbooks. Fortunately, there are a few reliable sources that can help you find quality books on Tamil Nadu. Whether you're looking for educational resources or just something interesting to read, these sources will provide you with an abundance of options. From online bookstores to local libraries, this guide will help you find the best Tamil Nadu textbooks for your needs.

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Get Latest Text book 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Best Approach to Image to Text (Ocr) on Google Docs for Every Personality Type | Image to Text (OCR)


எழுத்துக்கள் IMAGE ஆக இருந்தால் அதை மீண்டும் Typing செய்த எழுத்தாக (Text) (Image to Text in Google DOCS) மாற்றும் எளிய முறை

Image to Text All Language (GOOGLE DOCS)

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அதில்  மேல் வலது பக்கம் உள்ள Google Store Boxயை கிளிக் செய்து Google Drive வை Open பண்ணவும்

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Upload செய்யப்பட்ட Image யை வலது கிளிக் செய்து Google Docs என்பதை கிளிக் செய்யவும்.

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குறிப்பு :

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  • ஆவணங்கள் நேராக இருக்க வேண்டும்
  • Google இயக்ககத்தில் பதிவேற்றுவதற்கு முன் அதை சுழற்றுங்கள்.
  • மொழிகள், எழுத்துருக்கள் மற்றும் எழுத்துத் தொகுப்புகள்: கூகிள் டிரைவ் மொழியைக் கண்டறியும்
  • ஆவணம். உங்கள் படத்தில் ஏரியல் அல்லது போன்ற பொதுவான எழுத்துருக்கள் இருந்தால் நீங்கள் சிறந்த முடிவுகளைப் பெறுவீர்கள்
  • Quality படத் தரம்: ஒளிரும் மற்றும் தெளிவான கூர்மையான படங்கள் சிறப்பாகச் OCR செய்யப்படுகிறது.
  •  மங்கலான புகைப்படங்கள் எழுத்துக்களை பிரிக்கும் தரத்தை குறைக்கும்.
  • படங்களின் அளவு: படங்கள் மற்றும் PDF கோப்புகளுக்கான அதிகபட்ச அளவு 2 MB ஆகும்.
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  • இது Google Chrome Browers மட்டும் விரைவாக செயல்படும்.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

How to Stop Hair Fall Immediately at Home - Tips On How To Prevent Hair Loss

How to Stop Hair Fall Immediately at Home -The Best Ways for Hair Growth

hair fall


How To Stop Hair Fall Immediately at Home - This article shows you ways to stop hair fall immediately at home without going to expensive clinics or visiting dermatologists.

Hair Loss, also known as Trichotillomania, is a problem affecting millions of men and women around the globe. Though this condition is very common, it is often misdiagnosed because it can be easily confused with other medical conditions. There are many things which cause hair fall. If you are suffering from hair fall then visit your doctor immediately.

Hair Fall is a common problem faced by all people. When the hair falls out of its roots they look scruffy and dry. In order to get rid of these problems, you can try some natural methods such as using homemade remedies and treatments.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is great for hair growth because it contains fatty acids which help prevent breakage of hair shafts. It is great for making sure hair stays soft and thick. To use coconut oil, add some to your shampoo and conditioner or rub some into your scalp before washing. You can even try adding some to your diet to get extra omega-3 fatty acids.

Curry leaves

Curry leaf is a wonderful tree that nature has given us, it is very good to use curry leaf in daily diet. Curry leaves are rich in iron, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Using curry leaf and coconut oil is very beneficial for hair. It prevents hair fall and premature greying of hair and hair damage.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera helps to make hair strong and healthy. It is a natural ingredient that is packed full of vitamins and antioxidants that work together to keep the hair looking shiny and beautiful. If you have dry or brittle hair, aloe vera is a great remedy to restore moisture levels and give your strands a boost. Simply place a few drops under the tongue and let them sit for about five minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.


Egg yolk is high in protein, which makes it perfect for keeping hair strong and healthy. A study conducted by Harvard University revealed that eggs were not only good for keeping hair healthy but they were also effective for growing hair. Just remember to buy organic eggs!


The vitamin A content in greens helps regulate oil production in the hair. It also helps in moisturising hair and skin. It helps in hair formation and hair regrowth. Vitamin C is important in collagen production.


The fatty acids in avocado work to keep hair healthy and strong while adding some thickness. Avocados contain powerful antioxidants like Vitamin C, K, and B vitamins. Antioxidants are what make nutrients work harder in our body, and in this case they work hard to keep our hair looking young!


Honey is a sweetener that people have enjoyed for centuries. It's very similar to sugar but offers several advantages. One of those being honey is antibacterial which prevents bad bacteria from forming. And two honey is antifungal meaning its not just good for your bones but also your skin! Honey has enzymes that dissolve protein making it ideal for use after washing and conditioning.

Almond Meal

This is a rich mix of protein, zinc, iron, copper, selenium, vitamin B12, and biotin. Almonds are high in healthy fats and protein. These nutrients combined will boost the production of collagen giving you thicker longer stronger hair.

Raw Brown Rice

Brown rice is a staple food around the world. In Asian countries their entire diet revolves around brown rice and studies have shown that it gives a healthier heart and improved blood pressure than white rice.


Oatmeal is great for keeping hair strong and moisturised. It’s loaded with fibre and protein, both of which are necessary for hair growth. Mix ground oats with honey and apply directly to the scalp. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse well. Repeat twice a week for best results.


Nuts are known to provide many health benefits, including strengthening hair follicles. Use any kind of nut you like, but almonds are especially ideal. Crush a handful of nuts into a fine meal and spread on damp hair. Cover for 30 minutes, then remove. Rinse thoroughly with cool water, pat dry, and style normally.

Tips On How To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss could happen at any age, but especially if you’re over 40 years old. There are many ways to prevent hair loss; however, some may only temporarily help. Try these simple tips.

Wash Your Hair Regularly

Washing your hair regularly will not only keep your scalp clean, but also promote hair growth. However, make sure to use shampoo that is designed for people with oily skin. Using normal soap will strip away the natural oils left on your scalp, which will cause hair loss.

Use Conditioner After Shampooing

Using conditioner after shampooing will nourish your hair. You should avoid using conditioner before shampooing, since its ingredients would wash away oil and dirt. This will also help reduce split ends.

Avoid Exposure to Sunlight

Exposure to sunlight is known to dry out your scalp. Therefore, you should try and limit sun exposure

Eat Healthy Food

Eating healthy food helps nourish your body, including your scalp. Foods high in vitamins and antioxidants will have positive effects on your hair loss. Vitamin A, vitamin C, and zinc are examples of antioxidant-rich foods. Other good foods include broccoli, kale, tomatoes, carrots, avocados, and eggs.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drinking enough water throughout the day will keep your scalp moist, which prevents hair loss. One way to check if you are drinking enough water is by checking the color of your urine. Dark yellow indicates dehydration, while clear shows you are well hydrated.

In conclusion, it's important to look after your hair because it is one of our most important features - besides eyes! But too often we neglect our hair and let it go dry and flaky. This article will give you some tips about how to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth so that you'll always have smooth, shiny locks.

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What does copper do for the body? - Benefits of using copper to humans

What does copper do for the body? - Benefits of using copper to humans

The Copper Defense Bracelet

Copper is beneficial for health as well as being a necessary mineral for human survival. In fact, the human body contains over 1000 different trace elements, including three essential metals: Iron, Zinc and Copper. Copper's primary function is to aid oxygen distribution within blood cells and help maintain the proper functioning of enzymes that facilitate many metabolic processes in the body - which includes breathing. In addition, Copper assists in the formation of bone structure and aids in the production of red blood cells.

Copper also helps maintain a strong immune system. Copper helps create antibodies and phagocytic white blood cells that fight disease and infections. In fact, research shows that those with low levels of copper have weakened immune systems.

Another benefit of copper is its role in preventing cancer. Research conducted at the Mayo Clinic indicates that people who consume high amounts of trace minerals (like copper) are less likely to get cancer than those who don't.

Copper also provides protection against cardiovascular disease. According to studies published in the Journal of American Medical Association, Copper supplementation may reduce the risk of stroke by 27 percent in women.

Lastly, Copper is beneficial for skin care. A study conducted at Loyola University Chicago showed that taking small doses of copper daily increases collagen synthesis, resulting in improved elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

Benefits of wearing copper jewellery

Copper is a highly versatile metal that makes great jewellery for both men and women. While copper jewellery may have been around forever, people started using it as a symbol of wealth and power in ancient Egypt. Copper jewellery was also used by royalty throughout history. In recent years, however, many people have moved away from wearing traditional copper jewellery due to its association with money. Yet, copper jewellery continues to hold value and popularity today.

 What Is Copper's Role?

 In order to understand how copper jewellery works, we first need to look at what copper does. Copper is a member of the bivalent group of elements, meaning that it only contains two electrons inside its outer shell. Bivalent metals tend to bond together easily and share positive charges with each other. These metals are often called noble metals since they are not used in daily products. Bivalent metals make up about 15% of the Earth's crust, including copper.

 When a person puts on a piece of copper jewellery, he or she is actually putting electrons on their body. Since copper forms chemical bonds with oxygen, copper jewellery helps keep individuals well-hydrated and energised. The water content in our body creates electrical currents inside us. When someone wears copper jewellery, these electrical currents become stronger. This increase in current helps create a feeling of calmness and tranquillity. The combination of copper and oxygen also affects the nervous system. By increasing brain activity, copper helps improve memory and concentration.

 The Benefits Of Wearing Copper Jewellery

While copper jewellery can help individuals feel calmer and more concentrated, there are several other reasons why everyone should consider wearing pieces of copper jewellery. Many people wear them as a sign of respect and admiration. Others choose to wear copper jewellery as a way to express themselves and show off their personality. There are even some who believe that copper rings give protection from negative energy.

 As long as copper jewelry is worn properly, nothing bad will happen to those wearing it. If you decide to buy copper jewelry online, always check the material and quality before purchasing. Once you find something you love, it's best to stick with it. You'll notice an improvement in yourself after just one day of wearing it.

Where Can I Get More Information?

Website, you can get more details on how copper jewelry works and where to purchase it.

The Copper Defense Bracelet

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How to Easily Get 600+ Free Backlinks to Your Brand New Website

When no one wants to link to you initially as your site has a Domain Ranking of ZERO

Illustration in blue of man at his laptop with a coffee in his left hand typing in http://www…
Online illustrations by Storyset

Once you’ve launched your brand new website (Congrats! That’s a huge effort and milestone achieved already!), the next challenge is to figure out how to drive traffic to your site.

One of the main ways to drive traffic to your site is from people finding your content on Google. You ideally want to be listed in the top three positions on the first page of the Google SERPs (search engine results page), and extra bonus points if you can grab the Google snippet too.

Google’s Top Ranking Factors

The top three ranking factors according to Google’s Andrey Lipattsev are: Links, Content and RankBrain.

SEO Expert Brian Dean published Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List (2022) on his site Backlinko. This list includes 47 Google backlink factors and describes the impact of each of these ranking factors.

These include:

  1. # of Linking Root Domains
  2. # of Linking Pages
  3. Links from .edu or .gov Domains
  4. Authority of Linking Page
  5. Authority of Linking Domain
  6. Links from Competitors
  7. Links from “Expected” Websites
  8. Guest Posts
  9. Homepage Authority
  10. Nofollow Links
  11. Linking Domain Relevancy
  12. Page-Level Relevancy
  13. Links from “Hub” Pages
  14. Link from Authority Sites
  15. Linked to as Wikipedia Source
  16. Links from Real Sites vs. “Splogs”
  17. TrustRank of Linking Site
  18. Quality of Linking Content

Link Building Guides

There are some great comprehensive and actionable Link Building Guides that can help you develop your link-building strategy for your new site including:

  1. Search Engine Journal: Link Building for SEO: A Complete Guide
  2. Backlinko: Link Building for SEO: The Definitive Guide (2022)
  3. Ahrefs: The Beginner’s Guide to Link Building
  4. SEMRush: How to Get Backlinks: 11 Strategies

These methods sound useful and you could start to study and implement some of these into your site’s SEO optimization strategy, but this will take time and effort to implement and see results.

How to Easily Get 600+ Free Backlinks

But when you’re first getting started and may have just freshly launched your brand spanking new website (which can feel like a herculean effort to get there in itself), you just want to get some quick and easy wins.

H-Supertools is a site I came across recently and it has many free SEO and digital marketing available including a Free Backlinks List.

You need to sign up to H-Supertools (for free) to access this list of over 600 websites that offer free backlinks to your site. The sign-up asks you to enter your full name, email address, and password. You also have to accept their Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and confirm you’re not a robot, and then you’re signed up and ready to go.

You can also access a set of other useful tools such as a Free AI Writer, Outline Generator, Keyword Research Tool, SEO Analyzer, Free Backlinks Checker and more.

Assuming you’ve signed up, you can now access the Free Backlinks List. The default order of the list is alphabetical with 10 results showing per page. The columns are: Website name, the TLD eg .com, the Link Type ie Dofollow or Nofollow, the DR, and the URL link to the website.

The site says they’ll also add tutorials to each link to show you how to get a back from each website. So far, just two tutorials have been added. You can easily go to the link you’re interested in and work it out yourself quite easily anyway.

I sorted the list by DR (Domain Ranking) in descending order. Instagram, Twitter and YouTube are at the top of the list with DR of 99, 99 and 98 respectively.

Below is a screenshot of the second page of results which lists Medium.com as a DR 94 site with a Nofollow link type.

Screenshot from the H-Supertools site of the Free Backlinks List

My strategy to get backlinks would be to first click on each site’s URL starting with sites that have the highest DR with the Dofollow (DF) link type. I’d then see if it’s a site that suits my niche and a site I’d want to set up a link on. Then if I do, I’d follow their instructions on how to set up a backlink to my site.

Sites listed include:

  • Blogger.com DR94 (DF)
  • Behance.net DR93 (NF)
  • Weebly.com DR93 (DF)
  • Wordpress.com DR93 (DF)
  • Goodreads.com DR92 (NF)
  • SlideShare.net DR92 (DF)
  • Quora DR91 (NF)
  • Webflow.io DR90 (DF)
  • Carrd.co DR86 (DF)

I noticed a few of the sites listed prompted a message from the Nortons app installed on my laptop warning that I was about to visit a dangerous site. So I probably wouldn’t click on those unless I knew the site was safe from other sources.

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