Monday, September 19, 2022

important things to have in Blogger - Blogger tools

What are the important things to have in Blogger?

Contact Us

If you're having any technical issues, feel free to contact us at. We're always happy to help you out!


The blog post we write in Blogger must be a searchable keyword to be ranked in the website search.

Blog Title

The title should be no longer than 100 characters including spaces. This gives us room to add our own branding.

Page Title

This is where we will put the blog page name.

Your Website URL

Your website address. Category Listing (Optional) - You may list categories here if you have any.

Contact Information

This is for people who want to contact you for questions about their order or anything else relevant to your business. For example, phone number, email, etc.


A general disclaimer stating a specific purpose of your business's website.

Privacy Policy

If applicable, this is where you can explain what information will be collected, how it will be used, and how it will be kept secure.

Terms & Conditions

Important show the blog pages


Comments are pretty self-explanatory. You have to register first, but once you do that it's free. You can comment on anyone else's blog post just by clicking on their username and following the instructions.

Comment moderation

You can moderate comments under each blog post by clicking on the little word icon between the title and content on the right hand side.

RSS Feed

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a way to automatically push updates from one website to another. Once I submit my address they send me daily emails with everything going on at WeedMaps.


If you ever forget what you were looking for in your search box then simply click on the magnifying glass icon and search again.

Sticky posts

When I have something important to share with the world (like this video) I make some sticky posts. These stick at the top of the page until someone clicks on them and then they slide down. This way people don't miss anything.


This is where you can control how many people are able to comment on a blog post. This can help keep spammers away and also prevent unnecessary spamming of your own site.

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