Sunday, May 21, 2023

Secrets of the Subconscious Mind: How to Use it to change yourself & Improve your Life

Secrets of the Subconscious Mind: How to Use it to change yourself & Improve your Life

Subconscious Mind

Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Subconscious Mind

Subconscious mind is that part of our brain that controls how we function and think. Most commonly known as “the mind”, the subconscious mind doesn't have a single thought. Instead, it functions silently and automatically. When we dream consciously, it is what we call our conscious mind. Whereas, the subconscious mind goes through the cycle of thoughts without us even realising it.

Here's the thing about the subconscious mind... it only thinks in terms of positive or negative - not neutral. So if you want to change something, you need to change its subconscious beliefs. That means changing its way of thinking. If you do this right, you will be amazed at how fast you'll get results!

So what are YOU waiting for? Start living the life of your dreams!

Focus on the subconscious mind because it is a powerful tool

What is the Subconscious Mind?

When we think about our conscious mind, we tend to focus on what we are thinking about and how we are feeling at the moment. But oftentimes, even though we may not be aware of something, our subconscious does know. Our subconscious mind is the deepest level of our being. It is where all our memories exist. It is where our thoughts reside. It is where all of our emotions are stored. Most importantly, it is where our intuition resides. We cannot understand any information unless we have some knowledge of how consciousness works.

How Do You Use Your Consciousness?

Our consciousness is just the surface of understanding about how our mind works. From day to day, it's constantly working to give us feedback about everything around us. We receive information about what we are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, experiencing, thinking, and feeling. So we're always getting feedback. And if we don't pay attention to that feedback, then our subconscious is going to take over and help us figure out things for ourselves.

How Does the Subconscious Work?

The subconscious mind uses three different types of information: sensory input, emotional responses, and intuitive thought patterns. Sensory input comes from our five senses - sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and instinctual feelings. Emotional responses happen inside of our bodies, and they are based on past experiences and emotions. Intuitive thought patterns are created by our own beliefs and opinions. If we don't use those types of information to inform our decisions, then our subconscious mind will use them instead.

How Can You Overcome a Lack of Information About Your Consciousness?

You can overcome a lack of information about your conscious mind by having open-mindedness, compassion, curiosity, self-reflection, and introspection. Open-mindedness lets you examine your ideas from many angles, and encourages you to question your own assumptions and beliefs. Compassion helps you put yourself in someone else's shoes. Curiosity makes you want to learn more about the world and your place in it. Self-reflection helps you evaluate your personal strengths and weaknesses. Introspection gives you the opportunity to observe your own actions and emotions. When you understand these four aspects of the human experience, you will gain valuable insights into your own subconscious.

How Does a Subconscious Mind Lead to the Unconscious Mind?

A subconscious mind leads to an unconscious mind in two ways. First, the subconscious mind controls body movements. Second, the unconscious mind influences perceptions, thoughts, and dreams. Because the subconscious mind is a deeper layer of awareness than the conscious mind, it goes directly to the root cause of issues. In contrast, the conscious mind only processes information and creates rationalisations for problems. Therefore, the subconscious mind tends to lead to the unconscious mind by offering solutions that are both creative and practical. When the conscious mind is connected to the subconscious mind, we are able to access our inner wisdom and live in harmony with who we really are.

Your subconscious mind controls how you act and think every day

Subconsciously we have thought about our own minds and how they work many times before. We never give enough credit to our own brain's capability to control everything we do. Whether good or bad, we need to understand the power of the subconscious mind and use it to our advantage.

If we want to change something about ourselves, whether big or small, consciously or unconsciously we need to know how our brain works. Understanding your subconscious mind can help you make changes to yourself that last a lifetime. Our brains are constantly changing and always working hard to keep us safe and well-fed.

The subconscious mind is a powerful force that influences our behaviour and thoughts on a daily basis. We tend to forget that fact, but our brain is always active. You may not realise it, but you have been thinking without even realising it. Your subconscious mind controls how you feel and what you think every second of the day. When you are asleep at night, your subconscious mind goes back to its natural state and rests until morning. If you were to wake up tomorrow and discover that all of the decisions you made yesterday had already happened, you would probably freak out!

The conscious mind is the logical side of our brain, but the subconscious mind is emotional and instinctive. These two parts of the brain operate together all day long, and both play their role in making sure we stay alive.

Our subconscious minds decide if we eat or drink, whether we sleep or get up, and much more. The subconscious mind makes up our personality and determines how we carry ourselves throughout the day. It affects how we act and behave each day. If we want to change something, whether big or small things, we need to understand how our subconscious mind works. There is a lot of information on the internet about the subject, but here are some basic ways to start learning more about your subconscious mind:

  • Meditation - meditating helps build mental discipline and concentration. People who practice meditation often notice changes in their lives.
  • Exercise - exercise boosts mood and increases blood flow; therefore, it feeds your subconscious mind.
  • Deep breathing exercises - deep breathing calms the body and mind and reduces anxiety and stress.
  • Visualisation - visualisation is an effective way to improve your life in general. By visualising the desired outcome, you can increase the chances of achieving success.
  • Journaling - journaling is useful for reducing negative self-talk.
  • Dreams - dreams can provide insight into your subconscious mind. Most people don't remember their dreams, but writing down your dreams can help unlock the answers to questions you're having about yourself.

How to use your subconscious mind to increase your power

In order to do this, we first need to understand how our conscious and subconscious minds work. Our subconscious mind works below the level of awareness, and helps us make quick decisions automatically without thinking. It's the part of our brain that makes us who we are, and influences everything we do. It's responsible for our habits, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and behaviors. In contrast, our conscious mind operates above the level of awareness, where we have control over our thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviors. It's the part that thinks, feels, reasons, plans, evaluates, chooses, decides, and takes action. Together, they influence our daily lives, and determine whether we succeed or fail.

Learn More About Your Subconscious Mind's Power 

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In conclusion, we are often unaware of our subconscious thoughts, but they play a big role in our lives. By learning about this aspect of the human brain, you can learn to harness its power!

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