Sunday, March 19, 2023

Bionic Eye - The Future of Artificial Intelligence - Bionic Eye Technology

Bionic Eye - The Future of Artificial Intelligence

A revolutionary camera implant has been developed by researchers from Cambridge University and Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. The device uses neural signals from humans’ eyes to produce images.

bionic eye

What is a Bionic eye?

The bionic eye could lead to new ways of helping people who cannot see with their own eyes. It may also provide a new route into research for scientists working to understand brain processes.

What is Bionics?

Bionics is a field that deals with the study of bio-technology, artificial intelligence, and robotics. It emerged in the early 20th century as cybernetics. It's been around for over 100 years and was first coined by Norbert Wiener who, in 1948, wrote about it in his book Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (first published in 1953). He defined the term bionetics as “the science that studies the control mechanism of the living organism”. In 1958, he expanded on the definition and said that bionics involves “manipulating the mechanisms in the body to change its normal functioning and make it do what man wants.”In 1959, he published a paper titled “Cybernetic systems analysis of sleep”. His goal was to explain how sleep works. Wiener believed that bionics would become more practical when we learn how our bodies work. He thought that understanding the way our brains operate could help us solve problems in medicine and engineering. To achieve these goals, he developed the idea of feedback loops. These are circuits that send signals back to themselves to adjust their own behaviour. Feedback loops let organisms adapt to changes in the environment.Wiener's ideas were inspired by biology. His interest in bionics grew after he was exposed to the work of biologists like Konrad Lorenz, Karl von Frisch and Konstantin Monzievsky. Lorenz studied animal behaviours and described how animals have instincts to survive and reproduce. Von Frisch discovered that bees communicate with each other via dancing. Monzievsky observed how birds build nests and learned how they use tools.

What it Does Bionic Eye

The Bionic Eye system is a medical device that helps restore useful vision loss (blindness) resulting from retinal degenerative conditions. The Bionic Eye is able to stimulate electrical impulses to the brain's visual cortex via an implanted electrode array. The goal of the Bionic Eye is to improve the quality of life for people suffering from central retinal degeneration (CRD), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy and other retinal degenerations. CRD causes a gradual deterioration of the retina’s centre leading to blindness. AMD affects the macula, the area at the back of the eye responsible for sharp, clear, detailed vision. The macula contains tiny blood vessels called choroidal vessels, and if these become blocked or leak fluid, the macula may begin to deteriorate. Diabetic patients sometimes develop diabetic retinopathy, where the eyes develop damage due to high glucose levels.

How Does Bionic Eye Work?

The Bionic Eye stimulates neurons in the visual cortex of the brain using electric current. It works by sending pulses of low voltage across an implantable electrode array. A pulse lasts for about 10 milliseconds, and each pulse represents a single pixel of information. As the patient moves their eyeball, the electrode array sends different patterns of signals to the visual cortex. If the brain receives enough stimulation, it will interpret these signals as “visual scenes” and translate them into images.

Who is Behind its?

Bionics Research Inc. is developing the Bionic Eye system in collaboration with Boston Retina Consultants, LLC, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, and Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The first clinical trial for the Bionic Eye began in November 2009. Additional trials have been launched around the world.

What are its Applications Bionic eye?

Bionic Eye technology could potentially benefit millions of patients worldwide and provide many new capabilities for blind individuals. In addition to restoring sight, it could allow blind patients to navigate safely in unfamiliar environments, and help them perform daily activities they could not otherwise do. For example, a person who lost both his eyesight while working as a truck driver could use the Bionic Eye to continue driving after losing his sight. Other potential applications include helping pilots flying planes navigate complex skies, assist military personnel locate friendlies, and help surgeons accurately place electrodes in the brain to treat epilepsy.

Why is it an Important Bionic eye?

Blindness can deprive individuals of normal experiences such as enjoying music, reading books, watching movies, cooking, playing sports, making love, and even being physically active. The World Health Organisation estimates 35 million people globally suffer from some degree of blindness, and approximately 1.8 million people lose their sight each year, mainly due to retinal disease. An estimated 14 million people are legally blind in the United States alone. There is no cure for retinal degenerative disorders, and the treatments currently available only slow down progression of the condition. With advancing technologies, researchers hope to find ways to restore sight using stem cells, gene therapy, nanotechnology, and neural implants.

Bionic eye Approved?

Yes, the Bionic Eye was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in December 2016. It is the second product developed by Bionics Research Inc. in collaboration with Boston Retinal Consultants for treating blindness caused by retinal degenerative conditions including age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Bionic eye Future possibilities

In 2020 vision was restored to people who were blind or have low sightedness due to retinal degenerative disease. The bionic eye is a device that creates artificial eyes that help those with low sightedness to see clearly again. The bionic eye works by using microprocessors and camera technology to transfer images directly onto the retina. These electronic eyes create high resolution pictures of what's going on around them. The image quality provides the person with enough information about their environment to function independently in their daily lives.

The future of this technology looks incredibly promising. The bionic eye helps patients regain control over their sense of sight and allow them to get back to doing what they love. As technology continues to advance and improve, we may soon see even more innovative ways to treat various ailments. 

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