Friday, September 30, 2022

How to Save Electricity? - Best way to Save Electricity - Save Energy

How to Save Electricity? - Best way to Save Electricity

Save Electricity - Save Energy

Save Electricity at Home

Change home lighting habits

When you switch from incandescent bulbs to compact fluorescent lights, CFLs, you'll reduce energy consumption significantly. A typical 60-watt incandescent bulb uses around 8 watts of energy while a 100-watt CFL consumes only 2 to 4 watts. And since they last longer, you end up spending less on replacement costs.

Turn off appliances when you leave the house

Many homes rely on central air conditioning and heating units, and these appliances often remain on even if nobody is at home. Turning these off completely can save about 20 percent or more in monthly utility bills.

Use electric space heaters sparingly

If you're still using space heaters to warm up a room after leaving the door open, consider switching to a fan heater instead. They create their own heated air and don't require any outside heat sources. Fans can circulate much colder air efficiently than space heaters, so they won't burn down rooms as fast either.

Clean appliances thoroughly

Washing dishes is time consuming, but cleaning your kitchen appliances helps to prevent odors and the buildup of bacteria. Scrub sinks, tubs, and counters with soap and water. Wipe appliances clean with damp cloths and let them dry completely before storing away.

Save Electricity Office

Set up energy saving lighting

If you work from home, you already know that you spend less time sitting around at the desk getting bored compared to working at a traditional workplace where you would be looking forward to going into a cubicle every morning. This is because most workplaces still use standard lighting fixtures which waste a lot of energy. Energy efficient light bulbs save energy and this will help you cut down on your monthly electricity bills. You can try using the LED lights that consume much less energy than their predecessors. They also last longer.

Switch off appliances

This might sound too obvious but its actually one of the best things you can do to save electricity at office. If you have many computers running, turn those off. Turn off your printer and put it away. Also, close down your mobile phones and computer screens. Do you really need to look at Facebook while eating dinner?

Keep your thermostat low

You should always try to keep your room temperature low at night. Use a fan heater instead of heating devices. This will reduce your energy consumption. You can also invest in air conditioner units that are designed to run without consuming too much electricity.

Turn your fans off

Fans can be very helpful but they also consume a lot of electricity. Make sure that you only use them when required. This will reduce your bill by up to 50%.


Save Electricity at Factory


Lighting consumes a substantial amount of electrical power and causes unnecessary heating. By using compact fluorescent bulbs and LED lighting, manufacturers have created much more efficient lights that last longer. LEDs are especially effective in areas where there is little light, such as closets and under cabinets.

Increase Battery Life

A common misconception with battery powered devices, especially smartphones, is that they require constant charging. In fact, many smartphones today are capable of running off of a single charge for about two days! With this in mind, the best thing to do to reduce your electricity bill is to increase the battery life on your smartphone, tablet, etc.

Turn Down the Air Conditioning

Air conditioning uses massive amounts of electricity, even when it is turned down. As it turns out, some studies show that when the temperature outside is cooler than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, turning down the air conditioner from 74 to 64 degrees will actually decrease your electric bill.

Install Motion Sensors

Motion sensors are now widely used in many appliances in order to conserve power. Most commonly seen in refrigerators, motion sensors turn off the unit when it isn’t being opened or closed. However, motion sensors can also trigger lights to activate in rooms when motion is detected, which is very helpful for those living alone by preventing unnecessary wasted energy.

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning saves energy and money. With air conditioners, you can save energy by running them only when needed. And with automatic thermostats, you can help to save even more energy by turning off the unit when you aren’t home. This also helps reduce the risk of fires.

Shower/Sink Faucet

The water used in showers and sinks isn’t recycled, so it takes a lot of energy to heat up the water and then cool it down again. A showerhead with a timer helps to conserve water while saving energy.

Water Heater

A hot water tank can consume upwards of 2,000 gallons per month depending on usage. To cut down on this cost, some homeowners choose to install a solar powered water heater instead of traditional electric models. Solar water heaters work well in low-usage homes and they take advantage of the sun’s energy to warm the water. They may be expensive upfront but will pay for themselves through lower utility bills.

Most Useful tips

Optimize lighting use

Most industry facilities and businesses use a large amount of energy due to their operations. To cut down on this wastage, they should first consider optimizing light intensity for different activities throughout the day. This approach requires some effort but will result in substantial savings.

The best place to apply this method is in offices where working hours last longer than daylight hours. Employees can put up lamps at desks and tables to create bright spots of light while limiting the ambient light. Lamps should be positioned high above the desk to maximize brightness level and to prevent glare from entering the eyes.

Use efficient light bulbs

Most office fixtures and lighting equipment contain filament bulbs. They consume more energy compared to solid state LED lights. LEDs are more effective in saving energy compared to filament bulbs.

LEDs are better when it comes to energy efficiency because they offer brighter illumination without consuming much energy. They also fit into small spaces because they are smaller in size compared to traditional fluorescent and incandescent bulbs.

Adjust thermostat settings

For heating purposes, heating systems often run continuously when heat is needed. When they are turned off, they continue to draw current even after cooling has taken place. Thereby, you waste energy by keeping them active. Instead, turn them off when they are not in use. Furthermore, adjust your thermostat to save energy whenever possible.

Snergy saving strategies

Use Energy Star Products

Energy Star is an energy conservation program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This program provides manufacturers with guidelines for designing products that conserve resources while improving their performance. As a manufacturer's partner, we help you implement Energy Star programs. We work with you to measure and monitor the efficiency of your products and assist with the installation of Energy Star compliant products at your facilities.

Use less hot water

1. Install a Water Sense Programmable Thermostat

You can save significant energy costs by installing a programmable thermostat, which allows you to manually adjust the temperature according to the time of day. This can help you reduce your monthly utility bill by up to 10 percent.

2. Use Low-E Glass

Low-E glass reduces heat loss through windows and cuts cooling bills by up to 30 percent. Check the label to ensure the window is qualified for low-emissivity coating.

3. Insulate Air Ducts

Insulated ductwork helps to conserve energy and keeps cool air from escaping into the home while warm air stays inside. Duct insulation increases savings up to 20 percent.

4. Add a Whole House Fan

Whole house fans circulate warm indoor air throughout the entire house. They cut heating and cooling bills by 1 to 6 percent annually.

Maintain the A/C

1. Preventative Maintenance

Proper maintenance is necessary to reduce energy bills and extend equipment life. By performing routine preventative maintenance and keeping the air conditioning unit clean, you can save thousands of dollars annually.

2. Cooling Coil Cleaning

Many times dirt and dust accumulate inside the cooling coil and cause reduced airflow. This reduction can lead to condensation issues and ultimately damage the equipment. To minimize this, perform weekly cleaning through the drain tube using a garden hose nozzle attachment.

3. Drain Tube Clearance

If any debris becomes lodged in the drain tube, then it can clog the drain line causing further problems. To clear debris from the drain tube, remove the drain cap and pull back the drain rod until it clears the water drain hole. Then push the drain rod into place and secure it.

4. Air Filter Replacement

Air filters help maintain proper airflow. The air filter needs to be replaced at least once per month. Change the air filter before you begin operation.

Best way to conserve energy?

1.      Turn off lights when you leave the room. If you are using a light bulb that doesn't automatically turn off after 30 minutes, then replace it with one that does. Use the timer function on your electronics. Set your watch or phone to remind you to turn off lights before leaving the room. Place motion sensors on doors and windows.

2.      Turn down the thermostat. Try lowering the temperature to 60 degrees F instead of 70. This may save you two to three percent per month on heating costs.

3.      Unplug appliances when not in use. Don't forget cords and plugs. Make sure to unplug everything when you finish watching TV or listening to music.

4.      Purchase energy efficient bulbs. Change incandescent bulbs to CFLs or LED bulbs. They can last 20 years or longer, use 75% less energy, and cost 80% less in the long run.

5.      Install timers on electrical devices. Schedule power to turn back on after 15 minutes of power being cut off.


Why does energy efficiency matter?

1. Energy Efficiency Matters

The world today is increasingly dependent upon energy sources to maintain its existence. This dependence is due to the fact that fossil fuels produce the vast majority of our energy needs. Fossil fuels are used extensively for transportation, heating, cooking, electricity production, etc. All of this consumption requires ever increasing amounts of fossil fuel to generate, however, we are running into problems with the ability to continue using fossil fuels as the primary source of energy.

2. Alternative Energy Sources Are Important

Alternative energy resources, including wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, biomass, biodiesel, ethanol, hydrogen and methane, are becoming more popular as they are environmentally friendly and cost effective alternative energy sources compared to traditional fossil fuel energy sources.

3. Global Warming

Global warming, also known as climate change, has been linked to increased levels of carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. As humanity continues to burn fossil fuels at a rapid rate, increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere poses a significant threat to life on Earth.

4. Water Is A Resource We Can No Longer Ignore

Water is essential for human survival and is needed for everything, from agriculture and manufacturing, to maintaining the quality of air and drinking water. The amount of fresh water available on earth is decreasing every day and according to some estimates only 10 years left before fresh water becomes scarce.

Plug Electronics into a Power Strip

1. Plug electronics into a power strip

A power strip is a great way to save time and energy by powering multiple devices at once. A power strip may be plugged directly onto a wall outlet, but they often also have two slots or ports where you can plug your device into the wall outlet. When you connect your device to this port, it automatically gets powered off when the primary device is turned back on. This saves you from having to turn on and off each individual device separately.

2. Create a plan before buying

Before spending money on a power strip, take some time to figure out what kind of features you want your appliance to have. Do you want to plug in lamps, phones, computers, fans, TVs, etc.? Will you be using a few devices simultaneously or one at a time? Can you add extra outlets later down the road? How many different types of plugs will you need? You should always pay attention to these details since they can help you decide whether you really need the power strip in the first place.

3. Use surge protectors

Surge protectors prevent surges from damaging appliances. They’re especially helpful if you have sensitive equipment such as smart home gadgets or computer components. You can purchase surge protectors at most electronic stores or online.

Try a Ductless Mini Split HVAC System

1. Energy Savings

A mini split air conditioning system uses less energy than traditional central units. With many models starting at around $6k, they are an affordable option for homeowners looking to save on their utility bills. Ductless mini splits also offer a more comfortable indoor environment thanks to minimal noise levels and improved efficiency.

2. Better Comfort

Most mini splits use much smaller coils, which means lower operating costs. This allows users to maintain a higher comfort level while reducing energy usage. They also deliver better humidity control and heat distribution.

3. Minimal Noise Levels

The best mini splits have quiet operation. Most come equipped with variable speed blower motors, which allow room air to flow through the unit without making any noise.

4. Affordable Maintenance

Mini splits require little maintenance. Since they only run off electricity, they don't require cleaning or filters. There are times, however, where you may want to clean the ducts and add a filter to extend the life of your unit.

Save Electricity


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